Week 3 World tour 18th January – 25th January (Sri Lanka, Singapore, Malasyia(Borneo))

Day 15 Wednesday 18th January (Galle)

We had a 0500hrs wake up call and had to be out of the hotel for 0530hrs to enable us to catch a boat out of Matara to go whale watching.  Bandara used his rally driving skills to get us to the harbour on time and we spent great 4 hours out on the ocean with a boat full of Russians.  The girls stood on the front of the boat getting hit with the spray whilst it shot up and down in the choppy water but they loved it.  However, there were a few sick bunnies on board.  One woman spent the entire trip lying on a bunk so missed everything.  We spotted a few whales that were magnicificent and followed them as they surfaced and arched their tails in the water. We also saw two green turtles mating on the ocean surface seemed rough going for them with a boat full of spectators.

Once we got back to shore we headed to a café for a late breakfast then back to the hotel for a sleep and a dip in the pool.  At 1700hrs we headed out again for a walk around the walled city of Galle.  The architecture inside the walls still shows al the signs of its occupation by the British, Dutch and Portugese in the last few hundred years.


When the tsunami struck the coast only the buildings inside of the thick fortress walls were unaffected, everything else in the immediate area was devastated including the local bus station and cricket ground.  After walking the length of the walls and ramparts taking in the fabulous views of the ocean, we picked up ice-creams and headed back through the evening traffic to the hotel.  We had a lovely meal and the waiter brought us yet more ice-cream!  Back at the room we packed up and the girls went straight off to sleep due to the early morning we’d had.  Tomorrow is our last day in Sri Lanka as we’re flying out to Singapore.  We have loved it here, can’t think of a bad word to say about the place or the people.  Defintely, intend to come back here one day.

Day 16 Thursday 19th January (Galle, Airport)

We are leaving for Singapore today but before we go Bandara is going to take us to a turtle conservation centre on the way.  The eggs of the turtles are taken from the site where the mother buries them and reburied at the conservation centre to protect them from predators and poachers.  Once the turtles hatch they are kept until they are 3 days old and then released to ensure the best chance of revival.  We saw turtles that were 1, 2 and 3 days old and were able to briefly handle the turtles that were 3 days old prior to their release.  We also got a chance to hold Barbara who weighed around 15kg as they keep turtles who are damaged and would not survive in the wild on their own.

From there we headed towards the airport.  Due to runway maintenance the airport does not operate flights during the daytime but for some reason we needed to be there 5 hours before the flight.  All flights check-in around the same time so it was a bit of a scrum, they have more security checks than UK and we had to pass through emmigration.  At the same time the airport was packed with people heading off for a pilgrimage so all in all an interesting one which occupied the 5 hours no trouble.

Day 17 Friday 20th January (Singapore)

Arrived in Singapore 0300hrs very tired.  Neil picked a fight/discussion with a customs official over the use of the extra assistance lane which at that point they were using it as a overflow lane. However, one customs official was selecting people with grey hair from the other queues to move into the assistance lane.  We had joined the assistance lane queue but were asked to move back because our children weren’t young enough to warrant assistance but they said people with grey hair are old so need help!  Neil voiced his opinion about discrimnation against young families on late flights and the fact that the grey haired people weren’t being asked to prove age/fragility/etc they just had to be grey which was a bit bizarre. This got the woman customs official wound up, so she went around trying rally support from the other officials, who didn’t seem that bothered.  We thought they we going to deny access to the country at one point, Neil wouldn’t back down though.

We arrived at the hostel after hauling our numerous bags up and down narrow stairways at 5am and after checking in collapsed into sleep straightaway.  The hostel location was impressive, we are on Boat Quay in Singapore centre, which is beautiful, opposite parliament buildings, fabulous colonial architecture, brightly coloured bars, restaurants, and bridges.  The hostel was also incredibly helpful and gave us a mobile phone with internet use for the duration of our time in Singapore.  So after a bit of a lie-in we headed out of the hostel for a bit of food and then tried to get a taxi to the Garden by the Bay (Botanical Gardens).  However, despite waiting at a taxi rank everyone in the queue was ringing ahead and bagging the taxis so every time one got to us someone else would step forward and claim it so it took us a while before we eventually got in one.  Anyone who knows Neil will understand how he took this really well and wasn’t frustrated in the least!

Anyway, we eventually got the taxi and the Gardens by the Bay were amazing.  We had pre-booked tickets but as they were electronic, the process at the ticket desk was a bit fiddly as each ticket had been sent on a different email and we couldn’t download all at once, as we were using the freebie Singapore mobile.  Once inside though we saw the world’s highest indoor waterfall and walked on suspended walkways above exotic plants and flowers.

Then we walked around to the other side of the bay to view a lightshow where large tree-like structures light up to music.  It was great, everyone lies on the floor to look up at the lights, slightly surreal but very enjoyable and well worth a view.  We spent the rest of the evening taking in the sights from the roof top terrace at the hostel, watching another light display from the top of the nearby marina bay hotel, which looks like a ship balanced on top of 3 blocks of flats and listening to a nearby music concert.  A top evening!

Day 18 Saturday 21st January (Singapore, Kota Kinbalu)

Today we are moving on to Borneo so decided in our last few hours to visit the famous Raffles bar.  We didn’t get far down the road before we spotted a rotund building, The Stamford, which we thought may have been the hotel where we stayed on our honeymoon.  We went to investigate but the weather was exceptionally hot and we had to pass through an air-conditioned shopping centre so ended up staying in there for an hour.  It wasn’t wasted time though as we managed to get Holly’s swatch watch fixed and bought a new case as the zip has broken on our other one.  The style wasn’t Neil’s choice but at least we will spot it going around the baggage carousel!

Long Bar in Raffles and Little Miss suitcase

We finally we made it to Raffles.  Our last trip to the bar 15 years ago was not a success, it was the day after a rather heavy session on Tiger Beer watching a football world cup final and Tracey ended up sitting outside the famous Long Bar throwing up into a plastic bag.  This time was far more dignified and the girls partook in the tradition of eating monkey nuts and throwing shells on the floor for the birds to come down from the rafters to eat.  Tracey was going to have a Singapore Sling cocktail as that’s what the bar is famous for but at $31 a glass decided to give it a miss.  We headed back to the hostel, grabbed the bags and jumped in the taxi to the airport.  Our flight was jam-packed but we had a lovely curry and brownies and by 10pm we were in Kota Kinabalu, Borneo.  We were met by a driver and taken to our hotel for a short sleep before our first organised trip tomorrow.

Day 19 Sunday 22nd January (Kota Kinbalu)

We have a few trips booked with a company called Amazing Borneo this week, the first is a trip to the rain forest at Kinabula National park for a canopy tree top walk.  We were collected at 0700hrs so we hadn’t had much sleep.  We travelled with an American family who had moved to the Philippines so Neil had a good discussion with them re the newly appointed president, Donald Trump and Brexit.  We called off at a small market town called Tamparuli but it was raining so hardly any of the stall holders had bothered turning up.  After 20 minutes of standing in the rain we headed to Kinabula National Park for the tree top walk.  Our guide, Belle, was very informative and pointed out various plant life as we walked along.  It was hot and humid on the walk up but the tree top walkways were worth it when we got there.  Basically, they were aluminium ladders roped together with a plank of wood strapped across the top, 40 metres off the ground, with net either side to hold onto.  A health and safety nightmare but very fun to walk across.  After the walkways we headed to the natural hot springs.


En route we spotted a Rafflesia which is the biggest species of flower in the world.  They only bloom for 5 days in a year and luckily the one we saw had flowered that day.  At the hot springs, we rented a pool for £3 and soaked in the hot sulphuric waters.  Finally, we took a walk around the botanical gardens where the girls quizzed our American companions on everything American.  At lunch Neil got chatting to a small group of German travellers who had just completed the mountain climb of Kinabalu.  I think he felt reassured about what kit he was taking as they had managed it in tennis shoes and plastic ponchos even though there was torrential rain.  However, only 6 out of 120 made it to the top so that wasn’t so good.  We drove back to the hotel and after showering headed out to the local Chinese restaurant.  The girls tried using chopsticks but after Sophie had dropped hers 3 times they bought us all forks!  The food was gorgeous and afterwards we called into a 7eleven for provisions for our trips the next day.  We finished the day packing for our respective trips occurring over the next few days.

Day 20 Monday 23rd January (Kota Kinbalu)

This morning we all headed off early, Neil was off to climb Mount Kinabalu whilst Tracey and the girls were going island hopping and snorkelling.

Neil had to head across Kota Kinabula for a pick up at 06:15hrs at the Sabah tourist office for his mountain walk, there were 14 in his group for Kinabula. After registering with the National Park authorities they set for the overnight hut at around 09:30hrs. The weather was dull and overcast but still hot and humid so the trek was hard going along a slippery steep track. The first group of six arrived at Panalaban hut (3272m) around 13:30hrs this group consisted of a Norwegian couple, a Malaysian guy, a lad from Scotland called Stewart, Luke from Bristol and Neil. It was over hour later that the rest got to the hut. The summit start for next day was early, breakfast at 02:00hrs with a start of 02:45hrs so everyone was in bed by 20:00hrs in preparation for the summit.


Tracey and the girls visited the two beautiful islands of Manukan and Sapi.  Both had gorgeous sandy beaches and clear blue water teeming with brightly colour fish and sea creatures, which we spent hours looking at with the snorkels.  We travelled between the islands by speed boat and the girls whooped for joy when we bounced off the waves.  After a seafood BBQ on the beach we headed back to the hotel.  We had all caught the sun, Tracey mostly, so after showers and lots of aftersun we settled down to watch the film Eddie the Eagle.

After we’d all cooled down a bit we headed out for dinner.  The girls had spotted a KFC so we took an evening walk to see what it was like.  It was not like a KFC in the UK and they couldn’t understand what a ‘bucket’ was so we pointed at a few posters and ate it anyway.  When we left we could hear lots of music and cheering up the road so went to investigate and were very glad we did.  The president had arrived to start the Chinese New Year celebrations and there were dancing dragons performing fantastic gymnastic displays on poles, hundreds of drummers, the noise was deafening.  A large park area was covered in stalls selling a variety of food and drink and a stage with entertainment and comperes.  We loved it and the dragons even came over to pose with us!

The only dampener of the evening was having to tell the girls that our beloved Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Titan had passed away back home.  He was nearly 15 years old and had lived with Tracey’s mom for the past few years because he couldn’t make it up our stairs .  The girls were devastated and so the last few hours of the evening were filled with tears and cuddles.

Day 21 Tuesday 24th January (Kota Kinbalu)

The group started for the summit at 02:45hrs to catch the sunrise, the weather conditions were horrendous with driving wind and rain all the way up. The route was not very pleasant at all either, with lots of wooden stairs and flat granite slabs that had ropes running across them for support.  Both incredible slippery in the wet. There was probably over 100 people on the mountain attempting to get to the summit that day, the vast majority very ill equipped and ill prepared with some even having Poundland ponchos as their only waterproofs.   In the group the same six were the only ones who kept up with the front guide and were the first group on the summit that morning.  All six got to the summit at 05:15hrs still 45 minutes to sunrise a collective decision was made to go straight down rather than waiting. Whilst other groups elected to huddle behind boulder waiting for sunrise in their ponchos. As it happened there was not much of a sunrise anyway because of the cloud cover. The group of six got down to Panalaban hut at 07:00hrs with the rest of the fourteen trailing in over a 3 hr period.  Only three others out of the group made it to the top. Everyone had another breakfast at the hut and headed down to the gate to get the transport back to Kota Kinabula. The mountain trek was a hard two days but a great craic with the other five in the lead group and banter was flowing the whole time.

Tracey and the girls were due to go on a bike round around the city today but Sophie wasn’t feeling too brilliant.  We think a combination of the islands trip yesterday, the heat, the late nights and finding out that we’d lost our beloved dog, have taken its toll so Tracey cancelled the bike ride.  Instead we spent a leisurely morning in the hotel room, doing school work, writing the blog and watching James Bond on TV.

Week 2 World tour 11th January – 18th January (Sri Lanka)

Day 8 Wednesday 11th January (Sigiriya, Polonnaruwa, Minneriya)

Neil went running this morning in the local jungle and found a large Buddha statue nested amongst the local villages.  Forgot to mention that yesterday we saw monkeys of several species wherever we went.  Today was no different and we saw them on all our visits.  The other animals that we came across at the side of the road were two large water monitor lizards being fed by a local boy, you definitely wouldn’t want to meet them in the dark. We went to the ancient Temple of the tooth, the City of Polonnaru which was another medieval capital and our trip to see some very large Buddha statues carved into the sheer rock face.  It was extremely hot and we had to cover up to visit the temples so the girls were suffering a bit.  In addition, we had to remove our shoes when walking around the religious sites and the sand/stone was hot, hot, hot underfoot.

Afterwards, we had a local buffet lunch of various curries, rices and we tried curried hog plum which is like a peach curry but looks like a plate of curried cockroaches.  Tastes nice though!  After lunch we went on safari in an open-topped landrover to see the Minneriya wild elephant gathering which is the largest in the world.  The most elephants recorded there is 700 at one time, our trip was more like 100 hundred spit over 2 groups but still extremely impressive and we were within a few metres so it was a fabulous afternoon.  There were slightly more landrovers than elephants so it was a bit busy at the water’s edge but the vehicles soon scrambled to move out of the way when the elephants started heading in their direction.  The girls stood up for the whole of the safari drive across bumpy terrain and loved that as much as seeing the elephants.


We were fairly tired after a jammed packed day and were travelling back to the hotel in the dark when a very large elephant with tusks wandered out into the road in front of us.  We managed to get past before he thundered off into the jungle again, it was a bit different to the wild deer we get wandering into the road back home!

Day 9 Thursday 12th January (Sigiriya, Matale, Kandy)

This morning we packed up our bags as we are moving hotels today.  Before we moved off we were lucky enough to see the start of a traditional Sri Lankan wedding which was just getting started.  Dancing men with drums and beautiful ornate outfits on both the men and women.

Wedding band/dances and Bandara loading our bags into tour minibus.

Today is a public holiday to celebrate the full moon so everyone has the day off and the roads are manic filled with kamikaze tuk tuk and skooter drivers.  From Sigiriya we headed towards Matale, on the way we stopped off at spice and tea growers.  They talked us through the medicinal properties of everyday plants and they gave a demonstration on the spices used in curries dishes, yummy!  Next was a complimentary head, neck and shoulder massage for Tracey, bonus!

After that we headed off for a lunch of various noodles and rice.  Finally, we visited a Batick fabric factory where wax is painted onto fabric in various beautiful patterns and dipped in coloured dye, then more wax, more dye, etc until you end up with a complete pattern.  We all modelled the end products and Neil looked particularly fetching in a sarong and bowling shirt!  After that we headed up into the hills for our final stop off of the day was the city of Kandy.  We are staying in the Hilltop Hotel which, as the name suggests, is a hotel on a hill overlooking the city in a region famous for its tea plantations.  The girls went straight into the pool and they we had a fabulous evening meal serenaded by a group of local musicians.  Neil’s request for “Devil went down to Georgia” was a bit too much for them though!

Day 10 Friday 13th  January (Kandy, Peradeniya)

Today we had an early start to get to the Temple of the Tooth as a Buddah statue made of precious stones is only on view to the public for a few minutes each day and our guide, Bandara, was keen to ensure that we didn’t miss it.  After de-shoeing, we shuffled along with the rest of the huge crowds and did get a glimpse of the elusive Buddah before they closed off the area again.  The interior of the temple was impressive though.  You may recall that we visited a Temple of the Tooth the other day, the difference being that the previous temple was a ruin at the site of the first capital city.  When the city was relocated the temple moved too.  The significance of the tooth is that it is one of the top teeth of Buddah that survived when he was cremated and is now a religious relic in pretty much the same way as Christians still worship the bones of saints.  After we returned from the temple we found our vehicle had been blocked in so Bandara had to get a tanoy message sent out to the drivers which didn’t go down too well with the local buddist monks who were in meditation.  International incident narrowly avoided, we cleared the parking debacle after a bit of tooing and froing and headed to the botanical gardens.

We were only given 1.5 hours to walk round them but could have stayed there all day due to the sheer scale of the flora and fauna such as; giant bamboo, huge jak fruit trees and hundreds of large fruit bats which looked like pterodactyls, which were amazing.  However, we were reluctantly collected and stopped off at a bakery/café for lunch before heading back to the hotel for a dip in the pool.  The girls have had a few melt downs recently so we thought they needed an afternoon off to chill as it’s been pretty full on for the past week, therefore, after dinner we packed up for tomorrow’s excursions and had an early night.

Day 11 Saturday 14th January (Kandy, Nanu Oya, Nuwara Eliya)

After a leisurely morning we have checked out of the hotel in Kandy and are travelling overland by train to Nanu Oya.  Bandara is taking our bags in the transport and will meet us at the other end and drive us to Nuwara Eliya the highest town in Sri Lanka at 1878m.  We were dropped at the train station and had reserved seats in the front air conditioned carriage.  The air conditioning turned out to be 2 fans on the ceiling that didn’t work so all the windows were opened instead.  Unfortunately, when we got on a French lady was sat in one of our seats and refused to move.  In the end a conductor had to escort her back to her own seat.  Problem solved!  We spent the next 4 hours on a bone shaking ride through the beautiful countryside up into the hills of the tea plantations.


Bandara met us from the train and took us into the town of Nuwara Eliya.  It is a beautiful ex-colonial town up in the hills and still had tudor-style architecture, tea rooms, post offices and landscaped gardens and parks.  We dropped the bags at the hotel and took a walk into the town, where there was a Tamil festival in full swing.  Everyone was off work and the local Buddist temple was packed with hundreds sat outside holding candles at sunset.  The President was also here for the festival so the racecourse had been turned into a big open air arena and there were lots of military and police blocking off the roads.  We called in at a few shops and stalls to find a strap for one of our barrel bags as the stiching is coming loose and then jumped in a Tuk Tuk back to hotel.  The girls loved it and we were amazed that it managed to get up the pitted dirt track to the hotel entrance.

Day 12 Sunday 15th January (Nuwara Eliya, Ella, Tissamaharama)

Neil went on a early morning run around Lake Gregory and really suffered with the heat and altitude.


After breakfast we visited a tea factory which the girls loved and asked lots of questions.  Then we took a winding road down towards Yala.  The hairpin bends of this road rival the Grossglockner pass in Austria.  On one of the bends we passed a Buddist prosession as part of the festival which was colourful and noisy.  Further down the road we passed through the village of Ella, we saw a great looking café at the side of the road filled with westerners so decided to stop for lunch.  It turned out to be the Chill Café and is mentioned in all the backpackers guides.  It was worth the stop, the food and drinks were excellent.


Once back on the road we saw a set of waterfalls just outside Ella which we climbed part way up and quite a few locals were stripped off and having a soapy wash.  Unfortunately, we can’t remember the name of the falls but there are caves and other things to see in the near vicinity which we would have liked to explore if we’d have had more time.  We finally arrived at the Elephant Reach hotel in Yala.  It was like a small safari themed complex complete with a tree house that the girls loved.  The hotel had upgraded us to a bungalow and the facilties were excellent.  We had a troop of black faced monkeys that rampaged around the pool and over the roofs but otherwise they were no trouble.

Day 13 Monday 16th January (Tissamaharama, Yala national park)

Neil went for another run in preparation for Mount Kinabula on Borneo which he is doing in 8 days time. He went into the bush for his run, probably not the wisest move but he saw peacocks, mongoose and big lizards but luckily no snakes or Leopards.  We had a late start and the girls did there school work before spending they spent an hour in the swimming pool.  In the afternoon we headed off for a safari in Yala National Park.  We saw water buffalo, wild boar, crocodiles, brightly coloured birds, elephants, mongoose, large land lizards and an eagle killing an egret.


Unfortunately, we didn’t see a leopard though and it’s the wrong time of the year to spot black bears.  However, we enjoyed seeing all the wildlife.  We headed back to the hotel resort and then walked over to a local shack for some snacks before getting cleaned up for dinner.  The food and service was excellent, the staff brought fries and chocolate brownies and ice cream for the girls and couldn’t do enough for us.

Day 14 Tuesday 17th January (Tissamaharama, Galle)

We left the Elephant Reach hotel this morning and are on the way to Galle.  We stopped on th way at Sri Lanka Air Force base and paid 40 Rupees (25 pence) to play in an old airplane.  Neil seemed to enjoy himself in the cockpit pushing all the buttons way more than the rest of us!  Apparently, 85% of Sri Lankans have never left the country as air travel is so expensive, so they pay to sit in this one to see what it would feel like.  Makes you appreciate how priveleged we are to be able to travel relatively cheaply especially with our low cost airlines.

As we carried on along the coast our guide, Bandara, pointed out the areas that had been destroyed during the Tsunami which occurred on boxing day 2004.  In the UK we had a lot of coverage of the effect it had on Bali but not a lot on Sri Lanka.  There were 50,000 deaths here and it knocked out entire villages along the coast.  A very sad and scary thought.


We spent the afternoon on the beach.  The girls built sandcastles with Henry a boy from Australia that we had met previously.  We have bumped into Henry and his mom several times round the island.  After having a lazy few hours in the sun chatting to them we called at Matara to talk to a friend of Bandara who runs whale watching trips.  Neil used his negotiating skills with him for a trip tomorrow.  It would normally have cost us $160-180 for a family but we got it for $90.  We were going to go whale watching in New Zealand but we think this is much cheaper and we can now use the time in NZ do another activity instead. After booking and paying for the trip we headed to Galle to check into our hotel.  A hair raising ride in the dark along roads full of kamikazi drivers.  We finally got there around 2000hrs, checked-in to the Ladyhill Hotel and grabbed a quick shower before heading up to the roof for dinner with a 360 degree view of Galle.  During the meal we popped back to the bedroom to grab ipods (as a distraction before the girls kicked off) but we interrupted a couple of men decorating with bed flowers and chocolates.  They looked a bit shell shocked that we’d spoilt their surprise.  The room is excellent with all mod cons but was too hot over night.  We had to turn off the aircon as it was too noisy but then couldn’t sleep because of the heat.  The rest of the hotel was lovely but we did spot a few creepycrawleys in the hallway!

Week 1 World tour 5th January – 12th January (England, UAE, Sri Lanka)

Since the end of our European tour on the 10th December we have had a great Christmas and New Year with family and friends. The majority of time prior to Christmas was spent trying to organise Chinese visas.  After 3 trips to the visa office in London and several changes to our paperwork the visas were finally granted.  Tracey was happy as she saw Martin Kemp from Spandau Ballet whilst in London so that made the trips worthwhile!!  We applied for Sir Lanka visas, USA visas and Australia visas online and these were granted without any problems.  Neil organised and confirmed most of the other elements of our trip (e.g. cars).  We owe thanks to a lot of people for their help; both moms and Michael for providing accommodation for the girls whilst we were here there and everywhere sorting out admin; Ollie for printing off all of our travel paperwork, collating it and putting it in a folder with country flags dividing each section; Kevan for driving us to down to Heathrow on 4th January to catch our first flight.


Day 1 Wednesday 4th January (Cannock, London)

Last night after Kev dropped us off we checked in to the Premier Inn Heathrow.  We had a lovely meal in the bar, girls had a good run round and burnt off some energy and after a good soak in the bath they settled down for the evening in the hotel room.  Thanks to our friends Del and Helen who had loaded a USB stick with kids films so the girls were kept happy.

Day 2 Thursday 5th January (London, Dubai)

We had an early start, got up at 0545hrs in time to catch the transport to the terminal and to check the bags in for a 0900hrs flight to Dubai with Emirates.  The seats had good leg room and the food was lovely.  The girls got kids packs and we all watched films non-stop.  All in all an uneventful journey.  We touched down at 2015hrs and got through passport control without any hassles.  Unfortunately, it was around that point that Tracey realised that she had left her mobile phone and glasses in a plastic bag under the seat.  Cue a trip to lost property as the cleaning crew were now on the plane and not contactable!  Which was frustrating as we knew the exact location of the items!!  Heyho, they gave us a phone number and email address to chase things up tomorrow.

We grabbed some samosas and a cokes from a street vender outside the airport and jumped into a taxi to the Savoy Park Hotel Apartments.  The apartment had everything we need and after ordering some fries from room service we went to bed as it was after midnight local time.

Day 3 Friday 6th January (Dubai)

This morning we got down to breakfast and had a mish mash of normal breakfast items and fruit but passed on the curry that was on offer.  Afterwards we ordered a taxi to the Burj Khalifa, the highest building in the world.  We were dropped off at the Dubai Mall, a very large shopping mall that contained designer shops, an impressive aquarium and an ice rink.  The girls were in heaven.  We barely managed to drag them away in time for our slot to go up to the top of the building.



It was a bit of a queueing nightmare waiting to get to the lifts to take us up but once we were up there the views were amazing from the two floors we walked around (124th and 125th).  We took the obligatory selfies and headed back to the Mall.  We found a Waitrose that was even more expensive than at home and bought some bits and bobs for an evening meal.  Unfortunately, we couldn’t then get a taxi to take us back to the hotel as our fare wasn’t big enough to justify them taking us apparently.  Instead we went down to the taxi rank in the basement and basically got in a taxi that was in a queue so it didn’t have a choice in whether to take us or not.

Tracey attemtped to contact the airport to chase up the missing phone and glasses but no-one is answering the helpline or emails today.

Day 4 Saturday 7th Janurary (Dubai)

Today we had tickets booked for the Atlantis Aquaventure water park on palm island.  We had brought a packed lunch along but after picking up our armbands we realised that we were not allowed to take any food in with us.  Luckily we also had tickets for the aquarium so sat and watched the sharks float passed as we ate.  The rest of the snacks we stuffed in our pockets and the security guards only checked our rucksacks so we had enough smuggled in to keep us going.  Aquaventure was full of waterslides and is also on the beach but had relatively few people there so we had a great choice of things to do without the queues.  Sophie did not want to join in any of the bigger slides but had lots of fun on the rest of the park.  The rest of us worked our way through the slides, two cheeky ones that made us laugh were the Aquaconda and Zoomarang if you ever get chance to visit.  Neil and Holly went on a few tubes such as ‘Leap of Faith’ that Tracey wouldn’t go anywhere near!!  We left just as the park was closing and the traffic was manic so by the time we got back all we wanted to do was fall into bed.

Unfortunately, the airport has still not responded ref the phone and glasses so we think we’ll have to write them off.

Day 5 Sunday 8th January (Dubai)

Neil set off early for diving at 0630hrs and still ended up being late as Sunday is a normal working day and he was trying to do the Metro at rush hour. The Metro was 14 Diram return (£3), however, the train was packed and couldn’t physically fit another person in the male carriages, although the female carriages were half empty, so not a pleasant journey at all.

Neil dived with a German Emirates flight attendant who was on his instructor training and a South African dive master so had a great time. He dived on area that the Sultan had artifically created to go fishing and has a pryamid under the water to attract the fish. There were a lot of fish down near the pryamid including manter rays and turtles but the visibility was very poor due to the endless land reclaimation.

Whilst Neil was diving the girls had a long lie-in and a chilled morning round the hotel with a quick trip to a local shop for provisions.  Once Neil had returned we all spent the evening in the roof top pool.

Regarding the missing phone and glasses we tried logging a problem through the airport website as we weren’t getting any joy with the emails and have finally received a response.  They’re asking for all the details again …. oh dear!

Day 6 Monday 9th Janurary (Dubai)

Decided to have a chilled day today.  Our flight was not until 2200hrs so after breakfast and school work we headed up to the roof top pool again.  The girls played mom to 3 American children in the pool and we soaked up the sun.  Neil diappeared down to the hotel business centre to print off Borneo instructions and hotel vouchers that had come through. He also went to get Sri Lankan Rupee as we couldn’t get any in the UK.


The hotel was very good and allowed us to check-out at 1700hrs without any extra cost so that we didn’t have to hang around so long at the airport.  So we had enough time to check in the baggage for the flight and venture back around to the Lost and Found office to see if there was any glimmer of hope on the missing phone and glasses.  Unfortunately, there was no joy so we spent the next 20 minutes on the phone to EE to cancel everthing.  We then carried on through to Departures for some food and a wander round the duty free.  Our flight was delayed by 1.5 hours but we hardly noticed and the flight was good despite a bit of turbulence towards the end.  The girls picked up even more Emirates goodies so were kept amused.

Day 7 Tuesday 11th January (Colombo,Sigiriya)

When we arrived at Colombo Airport, we had already purchased our visas online, however, you have to fill in a card with all the same details again per person before you can go to passport control.  All was going well, Neil and the girls had gone through already, however, Tracey had typed the wrong date of birth on her own e-visa so had to then visit the Chief of Immigration to update her visa.  Thankfully, this turned out to be a 2 minute job as she was allowed to go straight to the front of the queue. Colombo airport is a tad less sedate than Dubai and we joined the scrum at the baggage collection turnstiles for 1 hour of pushing and shoving in the heat.   To our relief when we came through the other side we saw our guide Bandara waving happily to us as by now it was 5:30am.  After introductions he shot off to get the transport whilst we fought off the young men trying to help us carry our bags pretty soon we were on our way.  We had 5 hours of driving to get to our hotel in the north of the island.  We had a few short stops on the way for Bandara to show us plants and points of interest and we also managed to get stopped by the Police.  We were given a bogus traffic violation which non of us witnessed but Bandara had to pay 1000 rupees (£5.50) before they let us go.   After that we got on our way again and finally arrived at our hotel, the Fresco Water Villas in Sigiriya.  The hotel was beautiful, clean and the staff are very helpful.  Bandara is with us for the duration of our time in Sri Lanka and is excellent.  He’s the font of all knowledge and is the cheeriest person on the island. The local time is 5hrs 30mins in front of GMT which is a time zone neither of us had heard of before.


We checked-in to the room and all immediately fell asleep for a few hours of much needed sleep.  At 1500hrs we were showered and changed and back in the van with Bandara for a trip to Sigiriya rock aka Lion Rock which hold ancient palace ruins.  We walked around the museum and gardens at the site and then tackled the stone steps and suspended walk ways to climb up the rock to view the ancient painted frescos in the rock face and negotiated the precarious metal steps that are bolted into the side of the rock.  The girls had a few shaky moments but we were very proud when they got to the top to see the ruins despite the heat (32oC), lack of sleep and the vertigo inducing route up.  On the way down we were treated to a display by a local snake charmer with a viper that the girls found less appealing than the walkways!

After our trip we headed back to the hotel via the local village shacks for drinks and onto a lovely evening meal of various curried dishes.






Itinerary for world trip 05/01/17-21/05/17

Country Dates in country Flight Info Places
Dubai 05/01/17-09/01/17

4 days


EK8 Dubai

05/01/17 (0910hrs)

Arrive 2000hrs

6hrs 50 mins flight


06/01 Burj Khalifa

07/01 Atlantis waterpark

08/01 Diving

Sri Lanka 09/01/17-19/01/17

10 days


EK654 Colombo

09/01/17 (0905hrs)

Arrive 1450hrs

4hrs 15mins flight


09/01-11/01 Jan Fresco Water Villa. Sigiriya

12/01-13/01  Jan Hilltop Hotel. Kandy

14/01 Jan Glenfall Reach Hotel. Nuwara Eliya

15/01-16/01 Elephant Reach Hotel.


17/01-18/01 Ladyhill Galle.

Singapore 19/01/17

2 days


EK348- Singapore

19/01/17 (1445hrs)

Arrive 2105hrs

3hrs 50mins


Singapore Zoo

Garden by the bay

Botanic Gardens

Borneo (Malaysia) 21/01/17-28/01/17

7 days

Air Asia AK788-Kota Kinbula

21/01/17 17:35hrs-20:05hrs

2hrs 30mins flight

21/01 Kinbula National park

22-23/01 Mount Kinabula Neil

22-23 Island Hopping Girls

24-27 Turtle Island and Orangutan sanctuary

Kulua Lumpur 28/01/17-


Air Asia AK5107-Kulua Lumpar


2hrs 30 mins flight

Petronas Towers


Thailand 29/01/17-08/02/17

11 days

Air Asia-Surat Thaini Thailand  29/01/17


35mins flight

29/01-31/01 Koh Sok Tree house in Jungle

01/02-05/01 Koh Tao

05/02-08/02 Bangkok

Cambodia 08/02/17-14/02/17

7 days

  Day 1 Siem Reap

Day 2 Angkor

Day 3 Phnom Penh

Graves of Choeung Ek, Elephant valley project

Laos 14/02/17-19/02/17

5 days

Loa Airline

RT3 VE Pnom Penh-Vientiane 14/02/17


1hr 25mins


Day 1/2 Vientiane

Day 3/4 Vang Vieng

Day 5/6 Luang Pabang




7 days

Lao Airline VN2904-Hanoi 19/02/17


1hr flight

19/01 Hanoi

20/02 Halong Bay

21/02 Cat Ba Island

22/02 Lan Ha Bay

23/02 Sapa Trek

24/02 Hoan Lien Son

25/02 Hanoi

Hong Kong 26/02/17-02/03/17

4 days

Vietnam Airlines

VN592–Hong Kong 26/02/17


1hr 50mins

Food markets, Chinese boats, The peak
China(Beijing) 02/03/17-16/03/17

14 days


KA704–Guilin China



1hr 25mins

Guilin Yangshuo Mountain Retreat.

Chengdu – Pandas.

Chengdu to Xian – train- Terracota army

Train to Beijing: Tiannanmen, Forbidden City, Temple of Heaven. Beijing to Great Wall

Australia 16/03/17-09/04/17

24 days

Malaysia airlines

MH 361-Sydney


01:30- 2015

18hrs 45mins


Gold coast from Sydney to Cairns 1678miles
New Zealand 09/04/17-29/04/17

20 days

Virgin Australia

VA7456 Cairns – Auckland NZ

09/04/17 (1150hrs)

Arrive 1825hrs

4hrs 35mins

09/04 Auckland

10/04 Bay of Island

14/04 Rotorua

17/18 Waitoma and Wellington

19/20 Kaikoura

21/25 Queenstown

26/29 Te Anau and Christchurch

Fiji 29/04/17-06/05/17

7 days

Air NZ

NZ522/NZ52 Fiji(Nadi)



5hrs 45mins

29/04 Nadi beach resort

30/04 Mana island Ratu kini dive resort

05/05 Nadi beach resort

America 06/05/17-20/05/17

14 days

Air NZ

NZ4010 Nadi – LA(Tom B term)



10hrs 45mins

06/05 Los Angeles

10/05 San Francisco

13/05 Las Vegas

16/05 Anaheim Disneyland

London   Air NZ

NZ2 Heathrow

20/05/17 17:00

21/05/17 11:30

10hrs 30mins